SAFE | Holding space for lived experiences and safer ways of being amidst the Toxic Drug Poisoning Crisis

October 5 - 19 2024

SAFE | Holding space for lived experiences and safer ways of being amidst the Toxic Drug Poisoning Crisis:

ART OPENING + ARTIST TALKS: Saturday, October 5 | 1:00pm – 3:00pm

FACILITATED COMMUNITY CONVERSATIONS: Thursdays, October 10 + 17 | 1:00pm – 3:00pm

EXHIBITION + COMMUNITY DROP-IN STATIONS: Wednesdays – Saturdays, October 9 – 19 | 10:00am – 5:00pm
(SAFE is being shared with the community for a condensed duration.)

This program is dedicated to those who shared their insights with courage, and to those whose lives have been lost. We honour those whose names have been spoken in memory — whose stories continue to compel us forward in pursuit of transformation. We honour you and think about you often — especially when we walk.

The Comox Valley Art Gallery is committed to creating safer spaces where everyone can participate.

All ages are welcome.

CVAG spaces are accessible.

Programs are barrier-free (no cost). DONATIONS are appreciated and contribute to ongoing community interactive programming.

PUBLIC HEALTH CONSIDERATIONS: we ask that visitors choose not to visit if they are experiencing symptoms of colds and flus.

Hand sanitation dispensers are available at CVAG. Wearing a mask is at the discretion of the visitor.


The Comox Valley Art Gallery is grateful to operate on the Unceded Traditional Territory of the K’ómoks First Nations.

CVAG is honored to collaborate with artists, writers, guest curators, community partners + volunteers. We are grateful for the support of our members + donors.

This convergent program is made possible through the support of our FUNDERS: City of Courtenay, Canada Council for the Arts, BC Arts Council, Government of Canada, Province of BC, Comox Valley Regional District, Town of Comox, Natural Sciences + Engineering Research Council of Canada, Comox Valley Community Foundation | LOCAL SUPPORT: Hitec Screen Printing, SD71 Printshop, Shine-Eze Ltd., Paintbox Painting | COMMUNITY COLLABORATORS: Walk With Me, AVI Health + Community Services, Patrick Dionne + Miki Gingras, North Island College, Vancouver Island University.



NOTE: Some of the stories and images shared in the exhibition can be difficult to hear and see, and involve accounts of violence, abuse, neglect, racism, stigmatization, etc. The Walk With Me team will hold space for conversation and connection throughout the exhibition; community resources will be identified for those seeking additional support. 

IMAGE: by participants of the pinhole photography workshop led by Patrick Dionne + Miki Gingras, February 29 – March 7, 2024.

