In this body: journeys in places of meeting

September 19 - November 6 2015

CVAG’s exhibition series In this body: journeys in places of meeting resides at the intersection of art and the everyday. The participating artists share affinities for creating and activating occurrences of being in this body, as they confront and negotiate the complex experiential terrain of family life, making space for death, and interspecies collaborations.

In this body invites conversation about the myriad ways in which the artists encounter and deal with interpersonal dynamics, history, culture, behaviors, architecture, landscape and politics, and how these influences inform our changing sense of self.

The performative characteristics of each of these new works connect the artists’ vision directly with the real and present body and this informs their research, presentation and interactions with participants/audience. CVAG values the opportunity to support new site-responsive, collaborative and interactive projects by established contemporary artists engaged in taking risks and extending their practice into new territory.


  • Translation

    Sculpture is more than an artistic representation of an object; it is a physical translation of the internal experience a viewer has when encountering the object for the first time.

    September 19 - November 6 2015
  • Shelter, Cover, Claim

    Shelter, cover, claim examines the physical, emotional and aesthetic materiality of enclosures.

    September 19 - November 6 2015
  • Being Home

    Being Home explores the psychic, spiritual and emotional territories within domestic spaces.

    September 18 - November 6 2015


  • In this Body – Opening Event

    The opening reception for the exhibitions will take place at 7 p.m. on Friday, September 18th at the gallery. The evening will begin with an artist talk at 6 p.m., offering the public an opportunity to learn more about the individual projects and the workshops that will be offered by the exhibiting artists. The opening… 

    September 18 2015 / 6:00 - 9:00pm