PROJECT ROOM STUDIO – Procession / Anne Cumming

July 5 2021 / 10:00am - July 25 2021 / 5:00pm

CVAG hosted artist Anne Cumming (Comox Valley), who is developing her work Procession in the Project Room studio from July 5 – 25:

This July 2021, I have the opportunity to move Procession (I used to refer to this work as “the” procession, but using the definite article “the” somehow seemed to limit the idea from processions in general to a specific procession. I understand that this is a specific procession that I’m making here, but I want to leave room for processions in general) from my home studio into the studio space at the Comox Valley Art Gallery (CVAG). This move will enable me to spread out the elements of Procession so that I can “see” what I have done, what the relationships can be among the various pieces, and what I need to work on next or complete.

– Anne Cumming

During this time, Anne will present updates of her studio work to the public online at