Make Art Project Workshop: Carried Away

March 4 2017 / 11:00am - 2:00pm

“For me drawing is the most direct, fluid form to express my interests in visual storytelling, materiality, and gesture. I approach drawing as an embodied language, a process of excavation, a way of wandering and wondering.” – Vida Simon

When do we know when something we are making is complete? How do we respond to the input of others? What happens when our creative process is interrupted?

Join us at CVAG for an all-ages MAKE ART workshop facilitated by artists Vida Simon and Jack Stanley (Montreal) who have been collaborating in different ways since meeting in a performance art class at the Nova Scotia College of Art & Design twenty-four years ago.

Participants will experiment with sustained drawing exercises and different forms of writing, with emphasis placed on how one form might influence the other. The workshop will provide everyone with an opportunity to collaborate in relation to mark making, image making and working with narrative.

FEE: Admission to the gallery and make art events are by donation. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Materials are provided.

LOCATION: Comox Valley Art Gallery Project Room

POSTERCarried Away MAKE ART Project 2017

For more information please call 250 338 6211 or email

Facebook Photo Album – Carried Away Make Art Project Workshop