Ian Forbes – Artist Talk

January 11 2014 / 11:00am - 12:00am

This Saturday at 11 a.m., Ian will present an hour-long Art Talk, discussing his artwork, process and current projects. Admission to the Art Talk is free or by donation.

In the Contemporary Gallery, CVAG’s main exhibit hall, Vancouver-based artist Ian Forbes exhibits The Big Foldy Painting of Death, Volume One (an ongoing work).

This piece was created on a continuous roll of canvas approximately 127 feet long, and six feet in height (the viewer is engulfed inside one large artwork).

The acrylic painting is a panoramic, unrestrained and personal narrative using the multiple vocabularies of contemporary art to investigate the destructive qualities of creation and the creative qualities of destruction.

Viewers are invited into a “deeply personal conversation about how we are inhabiting this planet, this country, this city, this street, this gallery, this studio.”

Here they encounter the provocative juxtaposition of the horror and pleasure of the impending apocalypse; the betrayals and fealties of the aging body and, perhaps, an optimistic hope for apology and reconciliation.

In its presentation of multiple, fragmentary concepts and themes, this piece offers an opportunity for viewers to occupy a highly visceral, contested terrain of emotional experience, and to emerge from this fragmented landscape with new appreciation for that which has, through processes of industrialization and modernization, been lost.

This Saturday at 11 a.m., Ian will present an hour-long Art Talk, discussing his artwork, process and current projects. Admission to the Art Talk is free or by donation.