Hiłt̕sist̕a’a̱m (The Copper Will Be Fixed): Welcoming Ceremony / Art Opening / Artist Talks

July 20 2018 / 6:00pm - 9:00pm

Join us Friday July 20, 6pm – 9pm, for the opening of Hiłt̕sist̕a’a̱m (The Copper Will Be Fixed). The evening will begin with an opening ceremony and artists’ talks to introduce their contributions to the Potlatch 67–67: The Potlatch Ban – Then and Now thematic program. Contributing artists, Elders and cultural carriers will be in attendance. A reception will follow.

On Saturday, July 21, following the opening events, a community engagement cultural sharing event will be held at the Kumugwe Bighouse.

Events are free and open to the public. Donations are gratefully accepted. For more information please call 250.338.6211 or email