Youth Art, Design and Print Program

Participants: Amanda Taylor, Harlequin Chapman, Kai Conradi, Tristan Bedford, Billie Heiplalu, Aki Marinakis, Marlo Wylie, Ethan Astles, Katy Lucas

Instructors: Andy MacDougall, Andy Everson, George Littlechild (Cree artist), and Nik Szymanis (Graphic Designer)
Program Coordinator: Erin Brillon
Program Assistants: Liz Murdoch and Evelyn Jones

The Youth Art Design and Screen Printing Program is a partnership between the Comox Valley Art Gallery and the Wachiay Friendship Centre. The program provides an opportunity for students to develop design skills and explore screen printing techniques in the creation of North West Coast Aboriginal Art.

Students are mentored by acclaimed Northwest Coast First Nations Artist Andy Everson, George Littlechild, graphic Designer Nik Szymanis and local Screen-printing guru Andy MacDougall, in the creation of images that express their culture. In addition to receiving experience in art production, print pro­duction, graphic design, and portfolio development, the students have the experience of presenting their work at the Comox Valley Art Gallery as part of a summer First Nations program of shows.

The Wachiay Friendship Centre

To build a strong community rooted in the philosophy of our Peoples. To create bridges of friendship, and to provide a safe and supportive environment for the empowerment of all people.

Wachiay is Cree for “Welcome”. Everyone is welcome at the Wachiay Friendship Centre. The WFC has grown significantly since its incorporation in August 1995. The centre has grown from two staff members to nineteen, delivering vital programs and services to community members in the Comox Valley. The WFC provides Advocacy, Child, Youth & Family Services, Employment & Training Services, Information Services, FASD Services to all peoples.