MAP: Make / Art / Place Fall Program

MAP: Make / Art / Place is a convergent artistic program comprised of thematically integrated exhibitions, research residencies, collaborations and workshops. This multifaceted project focuses on interdisciplinary meeting points of encounter, context, and experience as a means of activating cultural intersections between artistic and academic research, involving local community partners and post-secondary institutions. MAP embeds opportunities for new site-responsive, collaborative and interactive works by contemporary artists and community partners, inviting risk-taking and experimentation, supported by critical dialogue. MAP invites conversations between diverse communities through concurrence at the gallery. The art events are free and open to the public.
exhibition October 1 – November 5, 2016
artist talk Saturday October 15 1pm
reception Saturday October 15 2pm
make art event Saturday October 15 11am–1 pm
Concurrent Art Events
MAKE ART SATURDAY community drop in art program Oct 15 + 29 / Nov 26 / Dec 10
Affirmations, or Otherwise
An interactive text-based installation that examines the space between official information and vernacular understandings
October 1 - November 5 2016 -
The Stories Were Not Told
The stories we tell ourselves and those that deny our stories within culture–all shape identity.
October 1 - November 5 2016 -
MAP: Make Art Place Community Response
CVAG invites documentation that explores variations on mapping practice.
July 12 - September 17 2016
MAP Fall Program – Opening Events
The opening event of the second part of our MAP: MAKE/ART/PLACE program
October 15 2016 / 11:00am - 5:00pm