Layered Democracy – E-Program / Printed Matter

November 27 2014

Print Media is largely defined by its relationship to reproduction. An inherent quality of this medium is its capability to create multiples; this allows the printed material to be widely disseminated and accessible to all peoples of society. Print is often characterized as a democratic art.

Alternative cultures have embraced print as a means to proliferate their words and images in the forms of pamphlets, zines, street posters, board games, books and buttons. On the other side of the same coin – we see how industry, corporations and institutions utilize print to propagate their ideologies and goods to society at large. Multiplying their ideas with packaging, posters, billboards, business cards, magazines, street signage and “official” documents. When images and text are multiplied on ephemera and sent out into the world – the ideas can spread far beyond a small group of individuals.

The artists of Print4 have developed dialogues that consider printed matter – in relation to democracy and industry.

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