The Space Between Us can be viewed here.
Ravel – Maleea Acker / Renée Poisson / Sophie Wood
Untitled – H. Pearl Gray / Bran Mackie
Simple Syrup – Hannah Brown / Cassidy Gehmlich
You and I are also infrared heaters – Meesh QX / Kara Stanton
Medicine Dreaming – Spencer Sheehan Kalina
In the early spring of 2020, the Space Between Us publication project was instigated by CVAG’s curators as a way of supporting creative inquiry, production and collaboration across creative practices.
Since that time artists and writers and have been working together, through conceptual ideation + making, to develop and prepare their individual and collaborative work.
Side by side, each project offered new intersections and juxtapositions. By threading them together a stronger voice was given to the individual works. During the onsite incubator presented December 3, 2020 – Feb 27, 2021 at CVAG, the material / digital / sound installations, online presentations, that pointed to the creative foundations and thematic content of the work evolving for publication project. When the projects came together in the space of the gallery, a dialogue erupted between them and expanded to the other presentations that were part of the overarching Space Between Us convergent program. It was this unanticipated dynamic that inspired the five books that were a part of the publication project to be assembled together as an anthology.
Books are loved as material things, picked up laid on a lap, fingers to paper, pages turned, images and words fill the gaze and travel into the heart and mind. In these times, we were asking for the idea and the materiality of books to be translated and to become a new thing which could – perhaps – show us a way forward …to shape-shift and not lose our essential impulse or voice. Perhaps in that space between being present together and the distances that separate …collaboration, making, laying out the “telling”, revealing the message, – …intersections could happen. Perhaps it could be possible that these “new” books could do what books do: delight, capture the imagination, work the magic of transforming minds and hearts by inspiring new ideas, and challenge perceptions to precipitate change …
The final interactive digital publication cannot be held in our hands , but it can be held … in our gaze …we can look and pause, read, watch, and listen… as the powerful, the beautiful, the difficult, and the poetic are threaded into our thoughts, our hearts, our being.
The Space Between Us interactive digital publication can be viewed here.