Please join us for an evening of sound meditation and exploration with percussionist Jesse Gentes and shakuhachi flute player Patrick Desjardins. In a “Sound Meditation” by working with the acoustics of the gallery space we will focus on stillness and the movement of sound to provide an encompassing experience. By mindfully enveloping the senses in a wash of sounds, building and releasing in intensity from very sparse to visceral and frenetic, we engage in the moment of arising and passing.
FORMAT: The musicians will provide a live sound scape on which to focus for “deep listen-ing.” Participants will sit in silent meditation or move in silence as the music moves them so long as no disruption is caused for the other listeners or the musicians. Some chairs or floor mats will be provided but please bring a rug, yoga mat or cushion for additional comfort.
Patrick Desjardins plays shakuhachi flutes crafted by his own hands. Jesse Gentes is a drummer and improviser currently independently studying the Persian tombak and daf. For this event he will also play frame drum and bowed Chinese cymbal. Together they call themselves the Drunken Rumis.
Engaging in dialogue through free improvisation Jesse and Patrick explore the sound scape (and mind scape) found at the intersection of inward contemplation and outward expression.
WHERE: Comox Valley Art Gallery
TIME: Friday, February 24, 7PM – 9PM
FEE: $10 – $15 at the door. However, this is a zero barrier event and everyone is welcome.