Hiłt̕sist̕a’a̱m (The Copper Will Be Fixed)

Hiłt̕sist̕a’a̱m (The Copper Will Be Fixed) is an exhibition of diverse work, created by Indigenous artists and cultural carriers, living on the west coast and Vancouver Island. The participants have responded to the impact of the Potlatch Ban and its reinstatement on their lives, families, communities,
art-making and cultural practices.

This exhibition is part of the convergent program Potlatch 67–67: The Potlatch Ban – Then And Now, produced by the Kumugwe Cultural Society, led by Cultural Carrier Nagezdi, Rob Everson Hereditary Chief of the Gigalgam Walas Kwaguł and Guest Curator Lee Everson, in collaboration with the Comox Valley Art Gallery.


Jesse Brillon, Corey Bulpitt, Liz Carter, Rande Cook, Donna Cranmer, Andy Everson, Karver Everson, Shawn Hunt, George Littlechild, Marianne Nicolson, John Powell, Steve Smith, Connie Watts

Our Ancestors guide us:

Beau Dick, Sam Henderson, Tony Hunt, Mungo Martin